Course Syllabus

Course Summary This course is designed for learners who intend to study STEM subjects such as science, technology, engineering and mathematics. We will focus on more abstract and theoretical concepts than Math Interpretation. This means a greater overall focus on the idea of proof, mathematical theorems, and mathematical argument. Students who take Math Analysis should be excited about abstract mathematical thinking, and keen to push the boundary of their mathematical understanding. The first semester involves probability and statistics, equations and inequalities, linear functions and systems, parent functions and transformations, and quadratic equations. The second semester involves polynomial functions, radical functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, rational functions and trigonometry.
Materials Used Name Type References
Algebra 2, Holt, Rinehart and Winston Textbook
Algebra 2, Common Core Edition, McGraw Hill Textbook
Pacing Calendar Units Weeks Topics
Unit 1: Probability and Statistics Sem 1/ Week 1-4 1.1 Permutations and Combinations
1.2 Theoretical, Conditional, Binomial Probability
1.3 Measures of Center and Variation
1.4 Standard Normal Distribution
Unit 2: Equations and Inequalities Sem 1/ Week 5-7 2.1 Real Number System and Properties of Real Numbers
2.2 Expressions and Operations
2.3 Solving Equations
2.4 Absolute Value Equations
2.5 Absolute Value Inequalities
Unit 3: Linear Functions and Systems Sem 1/ Week 8-10 3.1 Relations and Functions
3.2 Linear Functions
3.3 Solving Systems (Graphing, Substitution, Elimination)
3.4 Solving Systems with Three Variables
3.5 Linear Inequalities and Systems of Linear Inequalities
Unit 4: Parent Functions and Transformations Sem 1/ Week 11-13 4.1 Piecewise Functions
4.2 Absolute Value Functions and Inequalities
4.3 Quadratic Functions and Inequalities
4.4 Greatest Integer Function
Unit 5: Quadratic Equations Sem 1/ Week 14-16 5.1 Solving Quadratics
5.2 Complex Numbers
5.3 Quadratic Applications
5.4 Projectile Motion and Quadratic Regression
Unit 6: Polynomial Functions Sem 2/ Week 1-3 6.1 Polynomial Functions and Their Graphs
6.2 Zeros of Polynomials
6.3 Factoring Polynomials
6.4 Solving Polynomial Equations
Unit 7: Radical Functions Sem 2/ Week 4-5 7.1 Radical Expressions and Radical Functions
7.2 Simplifying Radical Expressions
7.3 Solving Radical Equations and Inequalities
Unit 8: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Sem 2/ Week 6-9 8.1 Exponential Growth and Decay
8.2 Exponential Functions
8.3 Properties of Logarithms
8.4 Logarithmic Functions
8.5 Application of Common Logarithms
8.6 The Natural Base, e
8.7 Solving Equations and Modeling
Unit 9: Rational Functions Sem 2/ Week 10-11 9.1 Rational Expressions
9.2 Rational Functions and Their Graphs
9.3 Solving Rational Equations and Inequalities
Unit 10: Trigonometry Sem 2/ Week 12-16 10.1 Right Triangle Trigonometry and Angles of Rotation
10.2 The Unit Circle
10.3 Trigonometric Functions of Any Angle
10.4 Law of Sines and Law of Cosines
10.5 Graphing Trigonometric Functions
10.6 Trigonometric Identities
10.7 Solving Trigonometry Equations
Unit 11: Matrices*** TBD 11.1 Using Matrices to Represent Data
11.2 Matrix Multiplication
11.3 The Inverse of a Matrix
11.4 Solving Systems with Matrix Equations
11.5 Using Matrix Row Operations
Unit 12: Sequences and Series*** TBD
***Unit 11 and 12 are bonus units that could be inserted into the pacing calendar.
4. Assessments & Grading
Grading Policy Item Percentages Notes
Formative Assessment 15% In-class conceptual check and weekly assignments.
Weekly Quizzes 15% Top 10 quizzes will be counted into final grade.
Unit Test 30% Retake is possible if the requirements are met.
Final Exam 10%
Project 30%

Unit Test Retake Policy

The purpose of tests is to ensure that students achieve certain standards in the curriculum. The Math department has agreed that re-taking a test should be allowed in cases where students have not achieved specific standards. Re-taking a test is not to improve a score but to help students achieve a standard. In order for a student to qualify for re-taking a test the following criteria need to be met:

1.        Students that achieve above 80% on the first attempt cannot do a retake.

2.        Students need to show that they have done extra work and practice after taking the first test.

3.        All homework should be completed and up to date.

4.        Retakes should be conducted within a week after students receive their corrected test.

5.        Retake tests will be graded up to the point of 80%.

Project Iteration Policy

1.        Only on-time submission is eligible for iteration.

2.        The iterated work must be submitted within 1 week after receiving the feedback from teachers. Each learner will have up to one or two iterations depending on the project.

3.        Deductions for late submissions are following the late submission policy below.

Late Submission Policy

Weekly assignments and project submissions are following the late submission policy below:

1.        Within 2 hours after the deadline – 5% deduction

2.        Within 24 hours after the deadline – 10% deduction

3.        1 day to 5 days after the deadline – 20% deduction per day

Other Information

1.        A learner who misses more than 15 minutes of a class period will be considered absent from that class for attendance purposes.

2.        9 absences on a course will trigger the class grade reduction penalty.

3.        A learner who misses 15 courses will not receive the credits for the semester.

4.        At the discretion of the School Committee, if a learners is holding a long-term (at least 7 days) sick leave approval with medical proof from AAA grade hospital, the sick leave might be excluded from the leave accumulation.

Course Summary:

Date Details