


Qingsen School



Room:                         A-113

Teacher:                     Mr. Stadham

Office:                         B-111 next to the cafeteria and close to the nurse

Time:                          2021-20223 School Year

Blocks:                        Mon. Period 5, Wed. period 1 & 2, Fri. periods 3 & 4



Course Description:

Robotics class is a project-based course that uses a hands-on approach to introduce the basic concepts/skills of robotics and the principles/practices of STEAM (Science, Technology Engineering, Art, Math). The course will include robot design, electronics, programming, building mobile and fixed robots using an Arduino-based Micro-controller. Students will also understand the past, present and future field of Robotics.


Students will learn the concepts/theories of each discipline, be exposed to a wide spectrum of innovative problem solving/engineering, and design techniques. Students will work hands-on in teams or alone to design, build, program and document their robot building progress. Topics may include motor control, gear ratios, torque, friction, sensors, timing, program loops, logic gates, decision-making, timing sequences, propulsion systems and binary number systems.  Student designed robots will be programmed to compete in various real-world challenges.


This course is rooted in constructionism, whose main tenet is that people learn best when actively engaged in hands-on projects that are personally meaningful and enjoyable. Throughout the year, we will be focusing on the construction/programming of autonomous mobile robots, and Arduino programming projects. Course information will be tied to lab experiments and challenges; students will work in groups or alone to build and test increasingly more complex deliverables—culminating in a major challenge for each module.


Groups/individuals have to meet robotic challenges, furnish technical documents in a notebook, and in digital form and conduct formal demonstrations and presentations to demonstrate concepts learned to pears and younger students.



Final Exam                            25%

Exam                                       20%

Test                                         15%

Projects                                  20%

Quiz                                        10%

Classwork                              10%                  

If it is determined by the teacher that your work has been plagiarised you will receive a zero on the assignment.

Marking Policy:

Students are encouraged to hand in work on time and complete but with the decision of the teacher and student late work will be accepted. Any assignments not handed in will be given a failing grade (0). Attendance in class is mandatory. If you have difficulty in getting assignments completed on time, please talk to me.  We can come to some agreement which will be fair for all. 


Project Information:

The robot construction and challenges will be in-class projects but if you fall behind you will be expected to work outside of class to complete your robot/challenge. Time is specially allocated for this so if you are absent then you can expect to come in and work on your robot after school. Throughout the development of your robots I will be asking you about the decisions you made and have you explain your thinking. Students are required to document work done in your Robotic Notebook. All other work will be electronically collected in digital form or in paper form.


Assignment Information:

I try really hard to give ample time to complete assignments in class. If there is a problem, then I need to know about it immediately. You can send me a message in teams. I am on teams regularly throughout the day but cannot always get to messages fast. I do make my best effort to respond to messages the same day I receive them up to 4:30 in the afternoon. After that, you can expect a response early the next morning.

There will be a small amount of assigned homework for this class. As long as you remain on top of your work, you will have no homework. In-class use of time is important and will usually define the amount of homework you get. If you are absent then you are expected to make up the time.

I am fairly quick with my marking and endeavor to have grades to you by the next class. All grades will be available on the electronic grade book the school uses.


Course work we will do this year:

Learn about the Arduino

Bump Switch Robot

Hall Roaming Robot

Flashlight Robot

Robotic Arm

Line following Robot

Tabletop Robot

Obstacle avoidance robot

Ir remote control Robot

Maze Robot

RF joystick-controlled Robot

Drawing Robot


Course Summary:

Date Details