Course Syllabus

Web Development


Room:                         A-113

Teacher:                      Mr. Stadham

Office:                         B-111 next to the cafeteria and close to the nurse

Time:                           2022-2023 School Year

Period:                        Tuesday periods 6 & 7, Thurs periods 8 & 9, Friday period 5



Course Overview and Goals
In today's world, web pages are the most common medium for sharing ideas and information. Learning to design websites is an incredibly useful skill for any career path.

The CodeHS Web Design course is a project-based course that teaches students how to build their own web pages. Students will learn the languages HTML and CSS, and will create their own live homepages to serve as portfolios of their creations. By the end of this course, students will be able to explain how web pages are developed and viewed on the Internet, analyse and fix errors in existing websites, and create their very own multi page websites. Students will learn the foundations of user interface design, rapid prototyping and user testing, and will work together to create professional, mobile responsive websites.

Learning Environment:

The course utilizes a blended classroom approach. The content is fully web-based, with students writing HTML and CSS in the browser. Teachers utilize tools and resources provided by CodeHS to leverage time in the classroom and give focused 1-on-1 attention to students. Each unit of the course is broken down into lessons. Lessons consist of video tutorials, short quizzes, example web pages to explore, and web design exercises in which students develop and publish their own web sites.

Development Environment:

Students write HTML and CSS code in the browser using the CodeHS online editor. Due to the fact that different browsers treat HTML and CSS differently, we highly recommend that all student computers use an up-to-date version of the Chrome browser. You can download an up-to-date version of Chrome for free here:

Quizzes: Each lesson includes at least one formative short multiple choice quiz. At the end of each unit, students take a summative multiple choice unit quiz that assesses their knowledge of the concepts covered in the unit.

There is a proctored final exam at the end of each semester.

If it is determined by the teacher that your work has been plagiarised you will receive a zero on the assignment.

Prerequisites: There are no official prerequisites for the CodeHS Web Design course. The course is designed for complete beginners with no previous background in computer science. The course is highly visual, dynamic, and interactive, making it engaging for new students. In the broader course pathway, the Web Design course is a great starting place. However, students that have taken other CodeHS courses will be able to apply concepts learned in earlier courses to Web Design, making Web Design a great second or third course in the pathway.

More information: Browse the content of this course at

Course Breakdown
Unit 1: Getting Started - What is the Web?

Unit 2: HTML - Structuring Websites
Unit 3: CSS - Styling Websites

Unit 4: Project - Create Your Homepage
Unit 5: Advanced HTML and CSS

Unit 6: Project: Tell a Story
Unit 7: Bootstrap
Unit 8: Bootstrap Project
Unit 9: Designing User Interfaces
Unit 10: Final Project

There is a proctored final exam at the end of each semester.

All of the course discussions will happen on Canvas. We will check the forum every day. Sometimes, if the question is not about the assignment requirement, we will hold our answers for a while to involve more students in the discussion. You are always encouraged to post on Canvas and participate in the discussions. Students who make contributions to the discussions on Canvas will potentially earn extra credit at the end of the term.

We will post some resources that might be used as supplementing materials in the resources module and we will update this page throughout the term.

Code Sharing Session
After each assignment is graded, we will select some good code examples and post them in the code sharing session for you to review.


None, recommended curiosity on how web pages and web sites are made. No previous programming course or experience needed!



Over the course of the semester, you will complete Many exercises and projects as well as shorter lab exercises. That’s where the learning happens, so these are weighed heavily. Each assignment will be graded according to the criteria listed in the assignment write-up. Paper exams are also includes in this course.



Final Exam                            25%

Exam                                       20%

Test                                         15%

Projects                                  20%

Quiz                                        10%

Classwork                              10%      


Late Work

Ample classroom time will be provided to complete these activities during class –like a real job you are expected to be present to do your daily work and your “pay” are the points for the work completed. Unless you have excused absence; you will receive points for only what you have completed. Excused absences will be accommodated by extending the due date accordingly, but students are expected to put in an extra effort for their completion, so they are prepared for the corresponding


Getting Help

You may sometimes get stuck while working on an assignment for this class –please ask for help! I will try to make myself available most days after school. I encourage you to make an appointment to make sure I’ll be there. I will also answer all e-mail within 24 hours.


You have a great opportunity to shape the class into something you enjoy by providing lots of suggestions. You can always talk to me before/after class or send me e-mail. If you’d prefer to remain anonymous, you can use an alternative e-mail if you like.



Course Summary:

Date Details