
标准 等级 得分
Asking questions
2.0 得分
L5: Questions are valid, testable or researchable, and based on observed patterns and/or research. L6: Questions are valid, focused, testable or researchable, and based on observed patterns, current research, and/ or a specific model or theory.
1.5 得分
L4: Questions are relevant to a specific topic, are testable or researchable, and build on disciplinary knowledge about the topic. L5: Questions are valid, testable or researchable, and based on observed patterns and/or research.
1.0 得分
L3: Questions are relevant to a specific topic, are testable or researchable, and build on prior knowledge about the topic. L4: Questions are relevant to a specific topic, are testable or researchable, and build on disciplinary knowledge about the topic.
0.5 得分
L2: Questions are relevant to a specific topic and are based on the described problem or situation. L3: Questions are relevant to a specific topic, are testable or researchable, and build on prior knowledge about the topic.
0.0 得分
L1: Questions are relevant to a specific topic. L2: Questions are relevant to a specific topic and are based on the described problem or situation.

2.0 得分
L5: Constructs a testable hypothesis about the investigated question, with a basic description of the variables. Hypothesis relates to observation, research, or scientific principle. L6: Constructs a clear, testable hypothesis about the investigated question, with an accurate definition of the independent and dependent variables. Hypothesis is based on observation, research, scientific principle, model, or theory.
1.5 得分
L4: Makes a reasonable prediction related to the inquiry question that involves changing a variable. Hypothesis relates to prior research about the topic. L5: Constructs a testable hypothesis about the investigated question, with a basic description of the variables. Hypothesis relates to observation, research, or scientific principle.
1.0 得分
L3: Makes a reasonable prediction related to the inquiry question that involves changing a variable. Begins to explain reasoning for prediction by relating it to prior knowledge such as cause and effect relationships. L4: Makes a reasonable prediction related to the inquiry question that involves changing a variable. Hypothesis relates to prior research about the topic.
0.5 得分
L2: Makes a prediction related to the inquiry question. Supports reasoning for prediction with prior observations or experiences. L3: Makes a reasonable prediction related to the inquiry question that involves changing a variable. Begins to explain reasoning for prediction by relating it to prior knowledge such as cause and effect relationships.
0.0 得分
L1: Makes a prediction that is partially relevant to the inquiry question with little or no reasoning. L2: Makes a prediction related to the inquiry question. Supports reasoning for prediction with prior observations or experiences.

总得分: 4.0 ,满分 4.0